

36 ratings
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36 ratings


New Store
  • Full Body Tracking Ready
  • Locomotion Ready
  • DPS with DICK
  • 3 Hairstyles
  • 4 Textures for Each Hairstyle
  • Dissolve Toggles
  • Quest Compatible with RESTRICTONS
  • Texture Swaps
  • Jiggles, All Dem Jiggles, Thighs, Hips, Upper Boob, Lower Boob
  • Commercial rights for Assets if avatar is purchased!

    Assets include - Bikini, Bullet Proof Vest , Cardigan, Choker, Comfy Shorts , Compression Shirt, heel's, Hoodie, Knee High Heels, Pants, Shoes, Thigh High Socks, Turtleneck, Vest

Optimized Version as Well

How to upload?
1 - Import Latest SDK First.
2 - Import Poiyomi Pro or Toon 7.3.5
3 - Import DPS
4 - Import VRCFury (Given Files)

How to Upload?

This is a big project so please follow the steps below carefully!

Detach Blueprint ID then Upload PC and then Quest

There are 4 Versions in the project

Shen- Upload PC with DPS
ShenSingleMaterial - No texture Swaps but all materials are organized so you an change whatever you want
ShenQuest - Quest Compatible but Questies, Follow instructions :

Quest will have a Quest Menu this is where quest will be able toggle clothing. But IT ONLY AFFECTS QUEST. As such If you do Toggles on Quest Menu ( You need to DO IT AGAIN on the PC Menu to Display the changes to PC USERS)

PCMENU = Everything outside Quest menu
QuestMenu = Menu with all quest toggles in one place

Quest is limited to 10MB if therels 10 Outfits on PC and 8 on Quest, You will be showed as naked. To fix this , Use this method~

Shen Opti - Optimized Version

If you are still confused, more instructions in the package or join the discord and create a support ticket to reach out to me!

Special Credits to the people who helped make the Renders, Showcase and Photographs!

Showcase Done by Reussie

Toggle Video By ToxicDemon

Gifs By ToxicDemon

Photographs By Blazey Taco


Body Base-https://zinpia.gumroad.com/l/Zin_Fit_Base?layout=profile

Head- https://zinpia.sellfy.store/bases/

Face and Body Tattoo's- https://payhip.com/Mabya / https://yingyangvr.gumroad.com/

Hairstyles - https://saikura.gumroad.com/ and https://nessy.store/

Eyelashes - https://nessy.store/b/TIhwX

Piercing - https://milkymutt.gumroad.com/l/ShinobiSet?layout=profile

Fishnet - https://pokerblunders.gumroad.com/l/femalefishnet

Rest are made by KR:ONE (BLAKE_D) , Will be sold individually!

Commercial rights for Assets if avatar is purchased!

Assets include - Bikini, Bullet Proof Vest , Cardigan, Choker, Comfy Shorts , Compression Shirt, heel's, Hoodie, Knee High Heels, Pants, Shoes, Thigh High Socks, Turtleneck, Vest

All Assets will be sold individually as well as packages

Terms of Service

  • DO NOT make this model public
  • DO NOT Share this package with ANYONE
  • DO NOT claim this as yours
  • You CANNOT take assets off this model, you MUST purchase/boost from the original creator!
  • You CANNOT reuse any of my edited assets OR textures!
  • You are not allowed to recreate the models with my assets, your own, or others. • If you want to use my avatar's parts for personal/commercial use, you must purchase them from the original creators of the parts.
  • Absolutely no Refunds once you purchase the package, If there is something broken, please contact me and I will fix it!

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